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The Red Thread --adopting in China.

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Ah Dave!


So you have visted Hainan Dao!


I had half an impulse to go there this last Feb. but chose Thailand instead.... thought it might be more pristine, but was dissappointed with the water clearity...


I have a good friend from college that used to fly C--130s (now senior with American Airlines) ---bet Trigg spent some time on C--130s---


--- the airplane that was involved with the Chinese fighter was an EP - 3..


It has evolved several times since I used to associate with the pilots and crew out of PAX - RIVER (Maryland) in the mid 1970's. At that time, they used to have a stinger on the tail (a long antenna was dragged behind the plane's tail during the cold war ---to detect Soviet Subs off the east coast--- they were in the air for up to 12 hours at a time... a tough shift.....


So it was a natural that these SAME PLANES would be outfitted for long patrols off the Chinese coast. (sans the tail stinger --- no longer necessary with advanced avionics)


I asked my college friend why, after the planes collided mid--air that the pilot didn't just order the crew to bail out and ditch in the South China Sea ---his response wat that probably he was afraid that the crew would die of exposure before rescue (hypotherma) but the South China sea is tropical --- water temps --70 -80's f easy to survive for days...


And by putting down on Hainan, we ended up with another "Publeo" ---obviously, China learned alot about how we spy in the sky....


Still, my friend Keven (the pilot) has huge respect for the pilot of the EP - 3... Apparently it is very difficult to fly a plane of that kind without a nose cone, and of course, it had other damage as well...


-- Kim

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Ah Dave!


So you have visted Hainan Dao! 


I had half an impulse to go there this last  Feb. but chose Thailand instead.... thought it might be more pristine, but was dissappointed with the water clearity...


I have a good friend from college that used to fly C--130s (now senior with American Airlines)  ---bet Trigg spent some time on C--130s---


--- the airplane that was involved with the Chinese fighter was an EP - 3.. 


It has evolved several times since I used to associate with the pilots and crew out of PAX - RIVER (Maryland) in the mid 1970's.  At that time, they used to have a stinger on the tail (a long antenna was dragged behind the plane's tail during the cold war ---to detect  Soviet Subs off the east coast--- they were in the air for up to 12 hours at a time... a tough shift.....


So it was a natural that these SAME PLANES would be outfitted for long patrols off the Chinese coast. (sans the tail stinger --- no longer necessary with advanced avionics) 


I asked my college friend why, after the planes collided mid--air that the pilot didn't just order the crew to bail out and ditch in the South China Sea ---his response wat that probably he was afraid that the crew would die of exposure before rescue (hypotherma) but the South China sea is tropical --- water temps --70 -80's f easy to survive for days...


And by putting down on Hainan, we ended up with another "Publeo" ---obviously, China learned alot about how we spy in the sky.... 


Still, my friend Keven (the pilot)  has huge respect for the pilot of the EP - 3...  Apparently it is very difficult to fly a plane of that kind without a nose cone, and of course, it had other damage as well...


-- Kim

When you get another chance, head on down to Sanya. Far better than Thailand. Tropical, beautiful, and clean. China has ordered no industrialization of the area to keep it nice. In 2005 or so, they'll be dedicating their version of the Statue of Liberty. Of course, it's taller than ours. It should be gorgeous when finished.

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