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Tried E-Mailing DOS Today

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From:            US VISA <USVisa@state.gov>

To:              xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx

Subject:         US VISA

Date sent:       Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:15:41 -0400


The State Department Visa Office has received your e-mail inquiry. We

regret that we are unable to send a personal reply due to the huge number of inquiries we receive daily.


We have found that 95% of the inquiries we receive are readily answered

by information available on our website. This response is designed to help

you better access that information. This is the only response you will

receive from the State Department Visa Office.


Please refer to the categories below, select the one that most closely

matches your inquiry, then click on the link provided. This will take

you directly to the information about your visa inquiry on our website. If

your question does not fit any of the categories given below, or you want to see the latest news about visas, please click on http://travel.state.gov/

for general access to our website.


[Followed by a bunch of weblinks]

:angry: What about the 1% to 5% of us that REALLY NEED HELP?????? :blink: :unsure: :huh: :angry:

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Clifford, I had made a comment in the Our Stories Section about John Roth, an attorney who specializes in Russian immigration. I just wanted to post it here.


I do NOT endorse any particular lawyer, but I did have a lengthly conversation (free) with him when I started the visa process. Because his specialty was dealing with Russian fiancees, I passed on using him. When Jason posted his story and said that he was using Roth, it jogged my memory. Maybe he can shed some light on Irina's problem.

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Clifford, I had made a comment in the Our Stories Section about John Roth, an attorney who specializes in Russian immigration.  I just wanted to post it here.


I do NOT endorse any particular lawyer, but I did have a lengthly conversation (free) with him when I started the visa process.  Because his specialty was dealing with Russian fiancees, I passed on using him.  When Jason posted his story and said that he was using Roth, it jogged my memory.  Maybe he can shed some light on Irina's problem.



Thanks for the tip. I decided to look up a couple of immigration attorneys that were listed in the local phone book today. There might be benefits of working with someone with an office in DC, or at least associates in DC. But, I would also like to find someone that I can talk to face to face.


Anyway, I left messages with 2 attorneys today, but I have yet to hear back from them. I hope they would be willing to take the case based on performance.... Results --> Pay...... No Results ---> No Payment.


Earlier I was making a list of the government people I've talked to since my case became "stuck" in Moscow.


I have now talked to:

- 2 Congressional Aides

- 2 Senators Aides

- DOS multiple times

- E-Mail to President of USA (ignored)

- E-Mail to Democratic Candidate Kerry (ignored)

- E-Mail to DOS (ignored)

- Several E-Mails to Moscow

- several calls to Sheri in (DOS Consular Affairs & Public Inquiries)

- 3 or 4 calls to Moscow Embassy

- 1 call to Moscow Call Center (what a waste that was).

- Call to a couple of FBI Agencies to try to determine right contact.

- Call to FBI answering Machine to leave my info

- Call to someone in the FBI inquiries department (who said I needed to fax the question).

- Fax to FBI Inquiries Department

- This weekend I will be sending a note to the Missouri Governor.

- Someone also suggested Linda Donahue.... Got a message back from her today, no help.

- And, of course, all the contacts and calls made by the people that I've contacted (congressional and senate aides & DOS contact).


Actually, I was putting the list together earlier to demonstrate the waste of energy dealing with the "exceptional" cases.


Anyway, I realize that my case needs some serious help, but as I have been working my way up the Washington DC "food chain", I am a bit dubious that a lawyer would be able help, but I am willing to give it a try as long as they don't soak me for too much cash.


Of course, sometimes lawyers are able to go straight to the "top", while the rest of us have to work our way up the ladder.


----- Clifford -----

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I could ask for a transfer at work to the Boston office, and then it might be faster with a new 129F. Except, that most of the people that I have met in our Boston office are VERY RUDE.


If you look at my timeline, it took me 8 months for the packet to get to Moscow, and it has now been stuck for 8 months. Of course, I wouldn't make the N/A mistake a second time.


No, the thing that I have been wondering about is this "2-year rule" that everyone has been talking about with spouses. Something that it is very difficult for the INS to deny a visa to a couple that has been married for 2 years. If only we had gotten married when we met in the fall of 2002, then we would rapidly be approaching our 2 year anniversary.


Of course, we also met in the Istanbul airport as we were heading off to Cairo. What if we had filed for a K3 in Cairo?


Heck, rumors are that GZ is even quite "speedy" :lol: (relatively speaking, of course) We could head to China or HK to get married ;) B)


Of course, not knowing why our application is stuck somewhat precludes applying again in the USA as it could very well get stuck again. :angry:


My company also has a big Toronto office.... Perhaps I should ask for a transfer up there, then try the Canadian visa process.

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I wonder if your packet is stuck or just lost and being stuck is there excuse at denial that they could lose something, if I was in your shoes I would be going ballistic on some people if I knew who but of course there is no accountability in our government so cant blame any one person.

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Clifford ---


My opinion is that, at this point, you need a lawyer if you want to make this happen....


And I think you need to listen to Frank ... If this John Roth guy has a speciality in Russia, then he also has contacts there ... that is what you need at this point (also his advice, not mine)



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You are probably right that I should evaluate possible immigration attorneys.


I think I would qalify for John Roth's "Embassy Only" rates since my application technically has made it all the way to the Embassy..... But, $1,200 is still a bit steep for an internet lawyer. Plus, it is not capped at $1200, but could higher should he think that he should charge more for his services.


I guess the advantage of going with a big internet firm is that they have the necessary contacts including some in Moscow. Of course, somehow I think the problem is in Washington DC, and not in Moscow.


For now, I have several active contacts now and have a couple of new leads to follow. I will wait for some of those to pan out in the next couple of weeks as Irina and I continue to work on rebuilding our relationship.


----- Clifford -----

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