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China's NEW National Park System

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from the SCMP - they already have some national parks. See CFL topics

The world’s biggest national park ?

Tianmen Mountain National Park

external site - Guilin and Lijiang River National Park of China


Pudacuo National Park




Yellowstone Park to be the blueprint for Chinese network of national parks, starting on Tibetan plateau

  • Yellowstone, the world’s first national park, is the inspiration for China’s plan to create its own system of parks
  • Chinese officials have visited US national parks and met with global conservation experts


Proposed pilot national park – Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve on the Tibetan Plateau.


The ambition to create a unified park system represents, “a new and serious effort to safeguard China’s biodiversity and natural heritage,” Duke University ecologist Stuart Pimm says.
One of the first pilot parks will be in Qinghai, a vast region in western China abutting Tibet and sharing much of its cultural legacy. The area also is home to iconic and threatened species such as the snow leopard and Chinese mountain cat, and encompasses the headwaters of three of Asia’s great waterways: the Yangtze, Yellow and Mekong rivers.
“This is one of the most special regions in China, in the world,” says Lu Zhi, a Peking University conservation biologist who has worked in Qinghai for two decades.





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