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Claiming Chinese people are emotionally fragile

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. . . doesn’t really help the country’s image, Beijing may be starting to realize.


from the SCMP


Robert Delaney is the Post's US bureau chief, which he joined after nearly 20 years in journalism. He spent 11 years in China as a language student and correspondent for Dow Jones Newswires and Bloomberg.



As the US ramps up accusations, China stops appealing to ‘the feelings’ of its people and gets to work on alliances

  • US attacks on Beijing are reaching a crescendo, so China is moving from its standard emotional appeals and towards reason-based appeals to a global audience




Beijing seems to have, at some point in recent years, concluded that characterising its people as being so emotionally fragile doesn’t really help the country’s image.
The government’s messaging has sharpened as China seeks to bring other countries onto its side amid increasing friction with the US over its international infrastructure investment initiative known as the “Belt and Road Initiative” as well as other fronts.
The seriousness of the escalating clash with Washington has probably convinced the foreign ministry to ditch the melodrama and get down to brass tacks.
This maturation is necessary because America’s anti-China fervour crested again this week.
“No country poses a broader, more severe intelligence collection threat than China,” the US’ Federal Bureau of Investigation director Christopher Wray warned on Friday, speaking at a Council on Foreign Relations event.




The people may not yet have gotten that message, however.

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Yes. There are many subjects left alone in our house. Whether Meng Wanzhou is guilty. If the CIA/NSA knew about the Malaysian flight that disappeared. And the embargo on soy beans and rice from US. Not that we would debate the issue at length.


Wish it was not that way....I think it would be easier if Mao was still alive. Or maybe Chou en Lai....

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