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Dissidents waste lives as China prospers

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Just to make sure you don't find yourself following the same path - this is from the Global Times


Dissidents waste lives as China prospers


China is under the rule of the Communist Party of China, and this is the primary reason for the West's relentless attacks. As ideological conflicts between China and the West are deeply entrenched, it's naïve to think that as long as we accept the rational parts of Western values, the West will be impartial in its evaluation of China. Radical forces in the West will never accept China's system and can always find excuses to attack China, and Liu Xiaobo is an example of this.


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International public opinion toward China is unlikely to see a fundamental improvement before the West totally accepts China's rise and approves the country's political and economic paths. Therefore, China's public opinion strategy should shift from convincing the West to uniting its people and enhancing society's confidence.
China is on the right development path, which facts and experience have proven. Admittedly, there are many problems in China, but Chinese institutions are determined and dedicated to solving these problems. Western forces and dissidents like Liu Xiaobo are disruptors of China's steady progress.
In this contention that is of historical significance, China is defying pressure from the West and strives to succeed along the path leading to its rise. Successive waves of dissidents that worship Western values have been marginalized, suggesting the West is losing the initiative in suppressing China's rise.
Liu Xiaobo's personal tragedy proves that surrendering to the West in politics will only end in failure. The lives of other dissidents, for instance, Fang Lizhi, Wei Jingsheng and Wang Dan, have been wasted in the endless wait for "China's collapse."






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That essay invites so many snarky rebuttals that are too easy. I start typing and then do long deletes.


I often wonder why anyone would read global times and my best guess usually resolves to keeping tabs on the party line and knowing what to say and what NOT to say. And, traffic there and back looks good in your browsing history if you live there.


http://en.people.cn/is at least easier to keep down. But, that's just my opinion.


Both sites practice that peculiar Chinese habit of spawning a new tab when following a link within the site rather than opening a link in the parent tab. As the wise men say: "what's that about?"

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Greg, it IS the Communist Party line, which means that it basically tells you what CHINA is all about. Nobody's going to care too much about what you say.


But the Global Times, on occasion, reflects a more miltant tack.


But I don't 'read' either - I subscribe to both on my Facebook feed (not to be denying anything)

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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I will read anything that has a strong opinion, well documented with facts, and I can walk away smiling or frowning.


I am smiling at this one since there is not one fact in the whole article. It is strictly the party line. And what a graceful act: burying his body at sea at the request of his family. Makes you wonder how many unmarked graves exist out in some plain in China.


And were it not for the number of "dissidents" we know in the west have been shot or murdered as dissidents we might forget about the "real" China, which claims to be the CCP.


Perfect example of Mao's propaganda machine. So typical to create a mythical beast that "our people" should destroy. Keeps everybody on their toes.

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