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The View from China in the Global Times

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China must press ahead as West mired in chaos
Along with China's growing strength, the US and Japan have jointly exerted more geopolitical pressure on China. Current chaos in the West may lead to some changes. First, there will be fewer possibilities that Western countries take China as their common foe. A diverse West-China relationship is shaped by growing bilateral trade, plus currently the West is besieged by contradictions.
Ideological pressure from the West will also be lower for some time. Traditional human rights ideals are facing more controversies in the West, which is increasingly reflecting on the consequence of too much democracy and freedom. Moreover, internal struggles have diverted much attention previously given to China. The China threat theory doesn't hold water and the West is more worried about affairs such as boosting economics and anti-terrorism, a trend that will be more prominent in the future.
China also needs to re-evaluate the West, on which we need an accurate understanding. At the time when the West is struggling with various woes, China must take time to manage its own affairs well. China should be more confident, without overly caring about how the West views us. Development in China and West has proved that China's path is right. Fragmented criticism from Western public opinion won't change the reality.
It is an opportune time for China to build consensus within the country. Many of the wrong ideas in China's public opinion stem from worshipping the West. What's happening there will correct the public's understanding. However, as to how messy the West will become, we shouldn't overestimate the degree. It is hard to say either whether it means pressure on China will be alleviated. China needs to seize the initiative by developing the capability to cope with emergencies and unforeseen events. A rising power will have to experience ups and downs; China won't have the special luck.








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When all you have is a screwdriver, everything looks like a screw.


When all you (are allowed to) have is an authoritarian system, everything validates that you have an authoritarian system.


The campaign to stop common people from admiring the West and the U.S. is more than 100 years old, goes back to missionary times and when Chinese began studying in the U.S.


I really do want the best for China. Rather than worry about a strong and rising China, I worry that their hybrid capitalist/Confucian/corrupt system will implode and bring misery to most of the population.

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