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. . . in a Porsche Panamera ?




Would YOU ride the world's fastest elevator? Chinese skyscraper visitors hit record-breaking speed of 47 mph

  • The ultra high-speed elevator was developed by Japanese tech company Hitachi
  • The elevator is located in the CTF Finance Center in Guangzhou, China
  • Its safety features include brake equipment is made of heat resistant materials, and ear pressure adjustment technology to ease ear blockage


In May, the elevator reached a top speed of 1,200 meters (3,937 feet) per minute, or 72 kilometers (44.7 miles) per hour as its rated speed, and the elevator is now in its final adjustment phase.



That would be about 65 ft/sec, or about 4 floors every second



Actually, the Porsche was in a different elevator - http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/36532-party-on-the-90th-floor/



Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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I visited WTC-2 back in the late 80s, the express elevator to the 107th floor was at the time the fastest in the world, the elevator was essentially the size of a freight elevator so could transport a large number of people. I believe the top speed was 25mph, and took 1:15 min to travel from ground floor to the 107th floor. The one in Freedom Tower is 25% faster and is the fastest in the west.


Kind of surprised that the article above does not list NYC Freedom Tower, which travels 2000 ft/min or 22.73 mph which places it at #5 on that list. The only building on their top 10 list that is in the states is the John Hancock building ins Chicago?




Take a ride and remember, still gives me chills remembering the buildings and the attacks.


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The ride in one WTC Freedom Tower is much different that the twin towers express elevators.


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I remember the Chicago ride years ago. At the top as the doors opened there was such a rush of air at the doorway/floor gap that it blew off the glasses that my buddy was wearing and broke them.


Someone will try suing alleging the G force hurt their back.

Yep, the air pressure differential causes quite a draft in those tall elevator shafts so it's understandable the wind in the gap.


As for G-Force, the acceleration and force is no more than what would be experienced on a roller coaster. Idiots try suing for anything.

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