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What Will Bring China Down?

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. . . in the eyes of the CCP. From the NY Times


Chinese Propaganda Video Warns of West’s ‘Devilish Claws’




“Color revolution” is the party’s thumbnail term for these fears, and the video, while shoddily made, offers a vivid lesson in how threats to party control — real or imagined — that can seem unrelated to outsiders are often seen inside the party as calculated moves in a grand plot, orchestrated from Washington, to bring it down.
The term “color revolution” first gained currency in China to describe antigovernment insurrections in former Soviet bloc countries, which Chinese officials have said were coups inspired by the United States. The party says such uprisings are a template of Western plans for China.
This conspiratorial worldview is more than bombast. It is a longstanding theme that has gained greater official credence under President Xi Jinping.
That perspective has threaded through the trials of Chinese lawyers and rights advocates convicted and sentenced on subversion charges this year. It was echoed in a meeting this month about strengthening ideological controls in Chinese universities. A law governing foreign nongovernment organizations that takes effect on Jan. 1 was also partly motivated by fears of foreign subversion.
“The first option for hostile forces infiltrating us is our education system,” the Chinese minister of education, Chen Baosheng, said in remarks published this month. “To wreck your future, first of all they wreck your schools.”



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The Chinese have always been last to the "party." It is interesting that the term "color revolution" started with the Yugoslavian Bulldozer revolution, not using a color at all. Then went to Georgia's Rose Revolution and so on to Ukraine's Orange revolution.


Putin got scared at the Georgian revolution, although Medvedev was president at the time. He created such paranoia that China picked up the scent and soon any color was suspect as a precursor to revolution. And the descriptions here follow the Putin line. His yearly "news conferences" speak also of how America is so deeply involved in fomenting the revolutions, as if we could actually do that successfully anymore without the attention we drew when we did do it. (Allende, Lumumba, Diem, and so many Latin leaders, ad nauseum.)


If the propaganda ministry could only keep up with the guys who are handling their economy, limping along now as it is....

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