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The fog cannons

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I found myself behind one of these things here in Yulin once - until I realized I was being rained on.


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Fog Cannons helping to battle Beijing smog

Two fog cannons have been set to work in Beijing with the aim of reducing levels of harmful PM2.5 particles and dust, reports Beijing Morning Post on Thursday.
The mobile blowers, also known as dust suppression systems or dust fighters, are designed to dampen the air and control particulate matter, and are normally found at coal depots and other industrial sites where dust is a problem.
The fog cannons consist of a high power turbine ventilator, which can spray a light rain to a distance of 120 meters, and 60 metres into the air. The operator can also rotate the "cannon" by 270 degrees via remote control. The dust fighter machines used to battle smog in Beijing can make tiny water mist particles as small as dust.
The two machines will mainly be seen in key areas in the city - the Foreign Embassy area, the Olympic park, Asian Sports Village and Taikoo Li Sanlitun shopping area.
The Beijing Morning Post reports that, after the dust fighter has passed by, the air becomes temporarily bright and clean.
The machine usually makes two runs a day, but may need to be used 3 to 5 times a day on days with heavy smog.
According to the company providing the service, other districts in Beijing have expressed an interest in the dust suppression system, so these fog cannons could become a very familiar sight on the streets of the capital.



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