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Chinatown, Racism, moron?, comic, stereotype


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I just saw this video clip on MSN:






I hope the video plays automatically in this post.


I don't normally watch O'Reilly and Jesse Matters on Fox. I wonder how this video should be view by asian people. Was it just in "gentle fun" or was it a example stereotyping or perhaps a racism video? What do you think? Danb



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BillO classifies it as "gentle fun." In all, having watched a lot of Fox news enough, I would call that a good classification. Some comments were out of line but others were pretty good and I think meant to be funny (a fine line).


The Chinese are capable of laughing at themselves. Sometimes I wonder if they are better at that than we are but, does it matter? As long as we are not laughing at them. Not many people like that.

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"or was it a example stereotyping or perhaps a racism video?"


Are you kiddin' me? Has our society progressed so far down the toilet, with some folks having drunk so much of the propaganda kool-aid that they have lost all sense of which direction is up...or down, much less a joke?


My answer to the question of what I think is simply.....A person would HAVE to be lookin' for trouble to call that video stereotyping or perhaps a racism video. My advice, stop drinkin' the propaganda kool-aid, it will put you so far out in left field that you'll miss the game, as well as make one lose their sense of humor. :flowers_and_kisses:

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Took a look at some of Matter's other news videos. Accessed them by clicking on the windows at the end of the video that I posted above. One of those videos lead me to this video:





The video in this post gives a perspective of a couple of young Chinese men living in the USA of Matter's video.



Looking at the other's of Matter's videos strongly suggested to me that he is not a serious journalist who does serious journalism. Not sure what to make of O'Reilly. Still not sure what audience they are trying to reach.

Edited by danb (see edit history)
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