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NatGeo visits Bama longevity village

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This is north of Nanning


Does This Village in China Hold the Key to Living Past 100?








August 17, 2016 - In Bama County, Guangxi, China, living past the age of a hundred isn't just commonplace, it's become a tourist attraction. People from big cities flock to villages like Longhong to meet the centenarians and try to learn the secret of their longevity.


A self-proclaimed 118-year-old has adopted a flexitarian (or semi-vegetarian) diet. "He doesn't eat much meat," says his 87-year-old son.


One Chinese researcher suggests that several geological factors there contribute to longevity, including a karst landform, a higher than normal magnetic field, and a nearby fault zone.

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Yes, there is a village, actually a region, in Russia where people there lived what were extraordinary long lives.110 and 120 were supposedly common. They boiled their meat, when they ate it, and ate a lot of legumes and vegetables. Little smoking or drinking. Then when one of the villagers said he was 126 (I don't remember the exact age, but it was way too incredible to believe), someone went into the birth and death records.


That researcher found the people were lying about their age. They were really dying off at what were good but not spectacular ages at death.


The Chinese are notorious for pulling that trick. With having two birth dates to keep track of...My wife actually made up her daughter's birth date so she could get her in school earlier.


But I have practically eliminated red meat from my diet and I am at least dropping a few lbs and my blood glucose is much better.


Still cannot pass up a good taco.

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I heard on the radio the summer that's village in Sicily has exceptionally long lived inhabitants and, when dog a multi-factor comparison, eating rosemary and sardines everyday (plus red wine) were the contributing factors..


I saw that too. Sardines and anchovies were found to be contributors. At least one serving per day. I can only imagine what the body odor must be.

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