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The Dark Shadow of the Stars and Stripes

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from the SCMP - worth a watch. A propaganda video for the mainland


"the Dark Shadow of the Stars and Stripes"



Those in school should study hard


Those in jobs should work hard . . .


Color Revolution conspiracies will eventually leave us alone


. . .


If you want to turn China into that . . .




By including Occupy activists in a footage to portray some of the ills in the world, the video only further strains ties between the city and the mainland

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"Safeguard China. be alert of the Color Revolution." An interesting slogan. I wonder what exactly color revolution entails. From the video it seems to include things that disrupts "peaceful harmony " in China between the Chinese people and her people. And behind those disruptions America is in the background, stirring the pot and meddling in Chinese internal and perhaps external (?) affairs. Do they have a legitimate complaint? I am not sure. Danb

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"Color revolution":



Used a lot recently to refer protests in Hong Kong. Implied evilness due to grassroots nature; nationalistic and emotional fervor of adherents. To refer to something as a color movement is a smear tactic when used by the CCP.


Timing probably due to the USA men's team's beat downs of China's men's team in basketball last week and before the games start and the Middle Kingdom cheers for their favorite NBA stars.


Expect applications by Chinese students to U.S. Schools to drop to 0 very soon and the 1,000,000 who are here now to go home.

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The 'Dark Shadows' video was included in this compilation from Quartz


The complete guide to China’s propaganda videos blaming the West for almost everything



China’s propaganda-video makers have one message for you: The West is the root of all of China’s troubles.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been working full speed the past few months to produce videos blaming “foreign hostile forces,” especially the US, for everything from inciting separatism to stealing territory in the South China Sea. Last week, as the high-profile trials of four Chinese human rights lawyers got underway, the video makers were in overdrive as they churned out at least six propaganda videos to counter criticism of its crackdown on civil society.

The videos usually surface on the social media platform Weibo and go viral after being promoted by state organs like the Communist Youth League. And they appear to be working.






The human rights record of the “human rights defender”

This is a 45-minute documentary detailing the US’s human rights abuses, produced by CCTV earlier this year (some scenes are disturbing). The video ranges in time from 1968 to the present day, and details a long list of US abuses, from police shootings to the FBI eavesdropping on European leaders, narrated in Mandarin with English subtitles. At the end, it concludes that human rights are only a tool for the US to “preserve its hegemony.”


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