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Jail In Nanning

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Just read this article on MSN news:




Being jailed in a foreign country. Probably not speaking the local language. NOt know how the legal system works. For me that would be a scary predicament to be in . In the article it says that:


" Swidan was convicted in 2013 on charges of conspiring to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine with about a dozen other defendants, including several Mexican nationals. Sentencing has been delayed numerous times since then..."


I wonder how long the sentencing phase can be held off for. Anyone ever visit the jail in Nanning? I wonder where it is, Danb

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Quote from the article - "The prosecution has been unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty" HAH!! He's either guilty, or he's not, and even THAT may not make any difference.


When I was first here in 2010, cold medicines were readily available with codeine. No longer. They cracked down on that (yes, right about the time this guy was thrown in jail), especially the pseudo-ephedrine which supposedly is used to make the methamphetamine.


I haven't bought any cold medications in a few years, but the last time I looked, Tylenol Cold was the only thing available which still had pseudo-ephedrine. I doubt that even that is available now. Madame Pearl's from Hong Kong now has a "Formula 2" version to comply with Chinese law.


He is fortunate to have a State Dept. official who can check up on him once in a while - hopefully, they can simply deport him soon.

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