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Here's Your Chance to Apologize!

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in the NY Times



Sorry for Having Insulted China? Here’s Your Chance to Apologize


Chinese leaders have often accused those who disagree with them of “hurting the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese.” Getting into the spirit, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers are responding enthusiastically to a satiricalFacebook page calling on them to say “sorry” to China.

Sorry for anything, and everything.

The reasons for contrition so far have included living under a blue sky (China’s skies are chronically polluted); eating clean food (food safety is a major challenge in China); and locking the door when using the toilet (not always done on the mainland).

. . .

The Facebook page comes as actors and other celebrities across Asia and the United States find themselves the target of rising Chinese nationalism, their careers vulnerable to the scrutiny of thousands of “patriots” ready to sniff out perceived disloyalty to the Communist Party. They may be accused of being “poisonous,” “traitors” or “anti-China elements,” often for gestures or statements that are considered normal in their places of birth. Some have been pressured to issue videotaped or written apologies.




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Well, I guess they have a point, but I would have filed it under "Ha ha, Let's not and say we did". Not sure what they think will be accomplished.


Considering all the things foreigners love to complain about China, if they all were "corrected", would I still love China as much as I do? Or, would it be just another boring, overpopulated place?

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