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Proving once again . . .

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. . . that China has no idea how to manage things that are out of its control. At least they're not lobbing missiles that way anymore. In the Shanghaiist


As cross-strait relations sour, China plans to cut number of tourists to Taiwan in half


Beijing has not been shy about voicing their disapproval at Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP's landslide victory in January's general election. Two weeks ago Beijing threatened to suspend communications unless the newly elected Tsai Ing-wen backtrack on her inauguration speech and acknowledge the "1992 Consensus."

Xinhua News later ran an editorial which claimed that Tsai was extremist and prone to erratic behavior because she was a single woman without "the emotional burden of love." It was later removed after facing a firestorm of criticism both at home and abroad.




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My first thought is that it is the visited country that controls the number of visitors .....


Typically heavy-handed.



A card like this one is issued by the Chinese PSB, but I have no idea if Taiwan would allow a Chinese citizen to visit from a third country without one.



Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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