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Why I WON'T be developing a taste for Seafood Around Here

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they MARINADE in that stuff for their entire lifetime


Hiroshi Hirasaka of ‘Monsters Pro Shop’ fame finds his 110 cm prize smells so bad that ginger, milk and sake can’t make it taste good



Hirasaka may have won the tussle at the water’s edge, but the fish had the last laugh.

When the angler tried to cook and eat it in his hotel room, he found the fish’s digestive system full of black mud, filling the kitchen with the stench of drain water.

Hirasaka said it was the most awful-tasting and strong-smelling fish he had ever eaten, even after he deep-fried it, grilled it, and put it in curry.

He used milk, sake and ginger to try to get rid of the fishy and chemical smell, but was unsuccessful.

It took him two days to finish eating the fish, which he described as “the most terrible and stinking fish [he] had ever eaten”.


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I would have gagged, then passed out. I hate the smell of fish cooking and rarely eat it or any seafood for that matter, which is unusual because I grew up a half-mile from the beach. Maybe it was waking up to the smell of red tide as a child that put that aversion deep in my psyche. Now, there is another thing that is sometimes associated with the smell of fish and in my more - ahem - adventuresome years, I used to make sure I got a good whiff of the object that was the target before I might be so bold as to take a taste. On one occasion, however, the combination of beer and quaaludes cause me to omit this important step and in was a major mistake. Like a bad, bad fish - it was a malodorous thing and literally sent me into a swoon, or what my great aunt Claudia would call a "sinking spell." Try as I might, I could not get the wretched smell out of my beard, not matter what I tried. I eventually had to shave it off. Talk about a major blunder, this was that and a whole lot more. A mistake I never made again.

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Mick, That is one danged good story!

With a great moral, too!


1. Stay away from beer and quaaludes. (I can't say I followed this rule in my own ...adventurous years)

2. Always take the preemptive sniff.


Bummer about having to shave the beard off, but I reckon it was worth it not to have to have that lingering aroma reminding you of the lovely experience 24/7..


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