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What Exactly is Duck Sauce?

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Kind of a fluff piece in the Smithsonianmag


What Exactly is Duck Sauce?

Trying to get to the bottom of this Chinese food mystery sends our writer on a wild goose chase


It's of course American, although we get a similar (orange-colored) sauce with roast chicken over here



If you're from the Midwest or Eastern seaboard of the United States, duck sauce is likely an orange jelly-like substance—similar to sweet-and-sour sauce but with a fruitier flavor—that comes in packets with your Chinese takeout. It's typically used for dipping crispy noodles, egg rolls, and other fried foods. For most New Englanders, duck sauce is a brownish, sweet and chunky sauce served on the table in Chinese restaurants. And if you're from someplace like San Diego or a San Francisco Bay Area native, chances are you've never even heard the name



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Fish sauce is a verrry eclectic (to say the least) ingredient. In Vietnam, the sauce is dripped from fish that is hung from tripods and collected in pans much like sild in Norway is collected from cod. A delicacy in both places. And strongly fish tasting. Usually added to other sauces like chili or hot sauce to make nuc muam for instance. (Holding my nose....)


Fish sauce is the US is mostly anchovy based and really is quite mild. In Vietnam, make sure your socks are firmly attached to your testicles when you try it. China the same except for Szechuan or especially Thailand, where the chili sauce overpowers anything. Thai fish sauce is my favorite but please, not too often.


No, it is not Sacha or satay sauce which is a combination of ingredients, the usual green onion, garlic, soy, and some dried seafood such as shrimp or pan fish. Similar but not the same. Hot sauce or chili sauce in not as prevalent but can be there.

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