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Immigrant Population At Record High In US: Study


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You know what makes me upset?


It seems like whenever I read anything, such as comments from foreigners on YouTube or an article's comment section online, and it has to do with America, most everyone hates America. But most everyone wants to come here and take take take.


I have several language partners, from China, who are students working on their Masters or PhD in America, and they all want to stay here. Not one of them wants to return to China. Then when I ask why. They all dance around the answer and never give a straight forward answer. Then I ask why so many people have negative views of America and Americans, and the students will agree and just say something like "that is just the way it is" , but want to stay.


Then we have whole segments of our own population, who hate America and think everyone owes them something. Remember what JFK said? “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”. Well nowadays its “Ask not what I can do for my country, but ask what can my country do for me and my group”.


And what did I get for being born an American? Two years of my life taken away from me, aka being drafted. While others just walk in and start demanding and take take take.


I can see why so many people have xenophobia.


Well, back to studying Mandarin, at 1:00 AM.

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