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A new 100RMB bank note - and now More

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from Inkstone - the shopping carts at RT-Mart need the present sized 1 yuan coins to unlock.



Chinese Money Gets a Makeover


download mp4 video file at https://cf.cdn.vid.ly/1x6w4y/mp4.mp4 (sorry, doesn't embed)


The People’s Bank of China has issued a new set of notes and coins.
The notes have sharper colors and are better protected against counterfeiting, but will have similar designs to the old tender – former Chinese leader Mao Zedong’s portrait remains their main image.
Check them out in the video above.



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Another round of new RMB notes coming in August


A jiao is also referred to as a mao - 10 jiao = 10 mao = 1 yuan.


China to issue new renminbi notes and coins on August 30


Same same but different. Spot the difference?



The latest series is going to include notes with values of one yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, and 50 yuan, as well as coins with values of one yuan, 50 cents, and 10 cents.
The new edition will not only be tamer than last year’s 70th-anniversary limited edition but will also feature more new anti-counterfeit technology and different color tones.






















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