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from the NY Times


‘The Autobots’ Hits Theaters, and Many Chinese Say They’ve Seen It Before




This user, like many others, called out “The Autobots” poster for using an image of a tire to block one of the Chinese characters in the title, making the original title, “Qiche Ren Zongdongyuan,” appear to be “Qiche Zongdongyuan” — which also happens to be the exact title used for the Disney-Pixar films.


“If you’re going to copy the original film, can you at least do it well?” the user asked.



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“The Autobots” tells the story of a young engineering genius who creates three cars with an artificial intelligence system that allows driver and car to interact.


“The film aims to teach children how to think creatively and overcome difficulties,” Mr. Zhuo said.


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