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Disturbing story about parachute kids in L.A.


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I found this story on MSN. It is rather disturbing:

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/attack-on-chi nese-teen-puts-new-focus-on-parachute-kids-in-california/ar-AAcsN4D

I had never hear the term Parachute Kids before. Initially I had just glanced over the article and missed some details. I reread the article and was shocked about who was doing the attacking. "Lord of the Flies" similarities indeed. Sad. Very sad. DanB

EDIT (RandyW): Above link is broken - this is apparently the same story from another source (Fort Smith Times Record)

Attack On Chinese Teen In California Puts New Focus On ‘Parachute Kids’

High school students from China allegedly tortured fellow students near this patio at Yes Plaza food court in Rowland Heights, Calif. pictured on June 23, 2015. (Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times/TNS) Rowland Heights Park, pictured on June 23, 2015, is where Yiran "Camellia" Liu says she was brought in March by fellow Chinese "parachute kids" who beat her and tortured her with cigarettes. (Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times/TNS) Most of the students at Oxford School in Rowland Heights, Calif., are in the U.S. without their parents and live in "homestays," where the private homeowner collects room and board and registers as the child's legal guardian. Some of the "parachute kids" involved in recent assaults attended the school. (Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times/TNS) Fort Smith Times Record




Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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What they put this poor girl through was horrendous. Lord of the Flies, indeed. I was aware that a number of kids were attending American high schools in similar circumstances, but never heard the term "parachute kids." I hope the girl that was victimized will be able to get some quality psychological as well as spiritual help in order to heal from her ordeal. As for the kids that perpetrated this horror, they should receive a stiff punishment. The system must not send a message that this sort of thing can be done without severe consequences.

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