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Buddha Statues resurrected in holograms

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in Afghanistan



Chinese couple resurrects destroyed Buddha statues as 3D hologram



In March 2001, the Taliban dynamited and destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, a pair of monumental statues of standing Buddha that had watched over the Bamyan Valley in central Afghanistan since the sixth century. Last weekend, the statues were briefly brought back through the magic of 3D laser light projection technology.



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A fine gesture, indeed. And I hope the statues are eventually rebuilt, but they can never, ever be replaced. I was so distraught when the Taliban blew up the statues. Buddhism in general, and Zen in particular, was a central aspect of the early healing of some of my scars from being in a war that was an abomination. As some of you old timers may recall, I spent time in a Zen training center, located in the Middle of Nowhere, Arizona. It was here I faced some of my demons. I am eternally grateful for what the Roshi and the monks did for me. When those statues were blown up, it really put me in a funky spiral for a few weeks. Yes, I know that Zen tradition teaches that holy scriptures, relics, even the Buddha himself, are to be transcended - yet in practice, these kinds of shrines are important to the lineage of the tradition. Isis is even worse it seems and I fear what they might do in places like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, etc.

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