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If an American was to move to Canada

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I've told myself that if something blew up with my visa application, I would definately consider moving NorthWest........ If that would help out.


Does anybody know if an American could move to Canada on a perminent or semi-perminent basis, and sponsor someone on a fiancee/family visa?


Any idea how long it would take?


Once both people are in Canada, would there be any issues with touring in the USA?

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Thanks for the research directions.


I have a lot of heavy thinking to do, and perhaps some world traveling this summer.


Those of you applying for AOS will like this: :rolleyes:


** Newly-arriving permanent residents (permanent resident status obtained on or after June 28, 2002) who have provided a Canadian address automatically receive a permanent resident card as part of the immigration process. It takes approximately 30 days to process and issue a card


I am sure that there is a mishmash of terminology and etc in Canada somewhat like in the USA, but it may be something to consider. I should be able to qualify for their "Skilled Worker Visa".


The company I work for has a big office in Toronto, but I think I would be more into moving westward, Calgary or Vancouver.


Maybe this is still in a "Dream Stage", and would take too much of a hassle to put together, but I have been utterly disappointed with the USA and Visa applications.


The folly about not being able to make a decision on a visa application in over 14 months, nor even give any explanation as to why a decision would be possibly require delay, is just incredible. If allowed to progress to fruition, I have no doubt that the process would have taken 16-18 months, or perhaps longer.


------ Clifford -----

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I've told myself that if something blew up with my visa application, I would definately consider moving NorthWest........ If that would help out.


Does anybody know if an American could move to Canada on a perminent or semi-perminent basis, and sponsor someone on a fiancee/family visa?


Any idea how long it would take?


Once both people are in Canada, would there be any issues with touring in the USA?

Stop the train!!!


I can see opening the door to new job possiblities given what just happened. You're really a free man to do whatever the hell you want to. No ties...no commitments...few worries. Personally, I'm not sure how I'd feel about freezing my a$$ off all the time, but that's a different matter.


Why on God's green earth would you be considering immigration visas now in light of the move? Are you sure you'll be going down that road again soon? Dude...you need time to heal. Do like CD...take care of you, focus on those things you have control over...and let the rest happen naturally. Who knows...maybe you'll find a little chicky poo up there in the ice? I hear Eskimos gals are great after you get past the smell. Funny thing is...they say the same about us!



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