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questions about filling G-325A

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N/A means "Not Applicable" this means it does not apply to you for example question regarding former marriage, if never married before former spouse would be NONE and date of former marriage would then be N/A


NONE means just that NONE, the question is Applicable to you however you have NONE. For example you could have children, but you have NONE, and the further question about date of birth for the non existant child would then be N/A


Other names used --- "NONE"

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N/A means "Not Applicable" this means it does not apply to you for example question regarding former marriage, if never married before former spouse would be NONE and date of former marriage would then be N/A



Other names used --- "NONE"

so former husbands or wives NONE, first name N/A, date of birth N/A, date and place of marriage N/A, date and place of termination of marriage N/A.


is that correct?


I thought I only needed to put NONE in front and leave other boxes empty.

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