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China mocks India's democratic system

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I'm not seeing this either on Xinhua or the China Daily - perhaps the Times of India picked it up before it was deleted. The links within the Times of India story are all internal to that web site


China mocks India's democratic system
BEIJING: Deriding India's democratic system, official Chinese media here on Thursday defended ruling Communist Party's monopoly on power, saying if China had opted for democracy it would have become another India "where around 20 per cent of the world's poorest live".

"Hindsight shows us that the Western political system, which is not inherently problematic and was designed to encourage freedom, would have been incompatible to a country where efficiency has driven remarkable economic growth and social development," state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.

"Further, China's feat of becoming the first developing country to halve its population living in poverty would have never been accomplished. Half of the 1.3-billion population may have been recipients of foreign aid, making it a huge burden on the world," it said.



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(on piece of paper found in a luxury Beijing hotel room)


My to-do list:

1. shut down internet access

2. crush nascent voices for change

3. publish editorials saying how great our people have it and how we are the envy of the rest of the world


Interestingly, India's problems are prolonged by corruption and over-reliance on socialist welfare programs


I saw an amazing op-ed in the China Daily once blasting the U.S. for not doing more in the middle east to enforce order (and protect China's oil interests in Iraq and mineral interests in Afghanistan). I went back and it was gone.

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