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Another tale of woe re: Bank accounts

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How I sued the world's largest bank and won


What do you do if money disappears mysteriously from your bank account in China? Read the experience of Shanghaiist reader Stewart Randall, who waged a legal war against ICBC after 15,000 RMB up and went missing from his account and the bank refused to reimburse the money. After seven months, three thousand yuan spent on a lawyer and run-ins with a few utterly inept law enforcement officers, Randall finally saw his money returned. Read about his hard-won victory here.


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What an incredible story and what an incredible run around this guy went through! I had a few similar things happen when I lived in China, but nothing in comparison to what this poor schmuck encountered. And my hassles were not involved with banks, instead, it was the post office (anyone remember the "air mail way, "the surface (by sea) mail" and the "regular way" story?). Then there was the time I tried to mail my daughter a CD for Christmas and was suspected of copyright piracy, but that is another story.

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I've been lucky so far - the only problem I had was when I withdrew ¥1000 which the ATM machine first okayed with the BofA, and then decided it didn't have enough cash on hand to satisfy the request. It was properly credited to my BofA account on the spot, but that wasn't entirely obvious the way it transpired on the account ledger.

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