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Noticed a few things and an electric unicycle

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Last week at the Pudong airport I noticed a strong police presence. Saw some camouflage dressed fellows with guns. On passed trips I never noticed that, except for one year in Hong Kong and in Lijiang after something (by terrorists?) had happen. Also saw the police on 2 wheeled segways cycles.


On Christmas day I noticed on the streets of Nanning an electric unicycle. I wish I had my camera ready. Of course what would I do with the photo? I still haven't gotten around to figuring out how to post photos on the forum yet. One day!! Here is a link to some photo's of unicycles:




It looked like a cool thing but I wonder how easy it would to keep one's balance. I wonder how much one cost?



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They work the same way as a Segway using gyroscopes to maintain level ballance.




The Uniwheel


What you saw is an Airwheel.



http://www.theairwheel.com/(Cost 799 Pounds which is aroung $1200 or so)


In the states it is called Solo Wheel.




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I was taking a class at a local community college. We happen to be exposed to some info on 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscopes on a chip. Perhaps that stuff is used in those unicycles. What I saw the other day might have been one of the Airwheels models. Looked pretty similar. I have never seen any of those people movers. I was thinking that maybe China made and sold one....cheap. It is interesting that skateboards are still popular on campus with the youngsters. I thought they went out of style years ago except maybe in California. Weren't they invented in the 60's? Thanks for post the ino. Danb

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Recently I was taking a class at a local community college. We happen to be exposed to some info on 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscopes on a chip. Perhaps that stuff is used in those unicycles. What I saw the other day might have been one of the Airwheels models. Looked pretty similar. I have never seen any of those people movers. I was thinking that maybe China made and sold one....cheap. It is interesting that skateboards are still popular on campus with the youngsters. I thought they went out of style years ago except maybe in California. Weren't they invented in the 60's? Thanks for post the info. Danb

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I was taking a class at a local community college. We happen to be exposed to some info on 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscopes on a chip. Perhaps that stuff is used in those unicycles. What I saw the other day might have been one of the Airwheels models. Looked pretty similar. I have never seen any of those people movers. I was thinking that maybe China made and sold one....cheap. It is interesting that skateboards are still popular on campus with the youngsters. I thought they went out of style years ago except maybe in California. Weren't they invented in the 60's? Thanks for post the ino. Danb

Yes - there's a Chinese-made Segway clone that sells in the 1 to 2 thousand dollar range (if I remember right), along with a single wheeled version. They had a display up at the local RTMart. I'll see if I can't find the picture later on.

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Randy, 1000 or 2000 RMB or US dollars? Silly question? 2000USD/6RMB = 333 USD . A photo would be nice if you could. Thanks. Danb


My original post - http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/45352-from-yulin/?p=615646


Yes, 1 ot 2 thousand USD.




I thought I remembered the one wheel kind, also. Maybe just in pictures or their brochures. Eswing is the brand name - I'm sure they're on Taobao.


As far as sidewalk traffic, there's plenty of two-wheeled traffic there anyway - these things tend to stick with the other scooter traffic. I like to stick my elbows out a little (just by putting my hands on my hips) and seeing how many mirrors I catch.


I've only seen a handful of these Segway or unicycle-type scooters.

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Dennis, I wasn't thinking about us old gezzers would like one of them. Especially after taking our morning dose of Geritol. We might get a nosebleed going so fast on one of those contraptions!! I thought that some of those young whippersnappers would want to trade in their skateboards and move into the 21th century. But at 1200-2000 bucks I don't think so. Randy, thanks for posting the photo. Danb

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Man, I like those fancy colored terlet seats with their handy carry-on handles. If I had to ride a scooter or one of those other vehicles in Chinese traffic, I would need me a good terlet seat.


tsap seui

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Segway clone manufacturer BUYS Segway!


Chinese 'Segway copycat' company buys Segway



Ninebot, a Chinese transportation robotics firm, purchased the American maker of the world's most recognizable self-balancing scooters for an undisclosed sum. This directly followed a combined $80 million investment into Ninebot from Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi, investment firm Sequoia Capital and other backers, according to Reuters.


For the two companies, this is something of a reversal, as not seven months ago Segway filed a complaint against Ninebot, accusing the company of violating its patents and copying the company's signature two-wheeler. Ninebot responded that it independently owns its intellectual property. Now it owns Segway's too.


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