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Today in illegal architecture

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More Chinese crazyness.




An illegally built corridor connecting two high-rise buildings in a residential area on Dongge Road of Nanning, Guangxi has become a cause for concern after images of the thing were posted online. The corridor joins two separate apartment buildings and was constructed and used by only one tenant. News portal CRI described the makeshift walkway as a "safety hazard to passers-by walking below". We don't trust it.









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HOw funny!! You can do anything in Chinartucky...say the magic word, watch the rubber ducky, and give the man his money....you can do anything. That bridge must have been some guy's secret route to his girlfriend's apartment.

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The article doesn't say, but this one is apparently legal


Freaky 13-story-high pedestrian bridge in Chongqing



A neighboring resident surnamed Wang said that many people in the building use the bridge when going to work. “You can take the elevator to the 13th floor and use the bridge to get to Xinhua Road directly. It’s faster to get to Jie Fang Bei (the city center area),” said Wang.


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