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Another mass stabbing in China, close to home

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I just got a google alert about a stabbing in Nanning. It didn't say where in Nanning. Here is a link to the story:




" Nine people have been seriously wounded in a knife attack at a supermarket in southern China, according to state media."


I hope everyone recover quickly but I don't really notice. Nanning is a fairly large city but I have never notice a strong police presence. On my first trip to China, stupid naive little old me was half expecting arm troops to be everywhere and a strong police presence. for some reason I kinda though I was visiting a pl;oice stae. Like I said stupid naive little old me. Earlier in the morning I do hear cadence. Perhaps the boys are out on a little run. Ahh, I remember some of the earlier predawn runs. Hoorah.


One time I stayed at 7 Days Inn in Nanning. It was locate down a narrow side alley. When I came back from dinner one night there was a large commotion happenning at the entrance of my hotel. They were two guys shout at each other and standing about, there had to to be about 15 guys in helmets and riot gear. I wonder where all those helmets came from.


These stabbings are sad happenings. The article states:


"The attack comes amid a series of knife incidents in China which have caused unease - the fifth this month - with many targeting children. Officials have blamed many of the knife incidents on themental health of the attackers."




I found a little more posted info on this incident:


A man surnamed Zhou attacked staff and customers in a Hualian supermarket in JiangnanDistrict of Nanning, capital city of Guangxi, at around 3 p.m., after he quarreled with staff,police said.

The injured include six supermarket staff, two customers and one salesman from amanufacturer, said a manager from the supermarket who declined to be named.

All are being treated in nearby No. 2 People's Hospital with injuries mainly in the back,waist and belly, police said.

Looks like Jiangnan district is on the other side of the river. Not on the side that Nanhu Lu lake is. My Lao Po's parents used to live on that side of the river but they moved to the other side of the river earlier this year.

Edited by danb (see edit history)
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