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A Chinese Solution - Wastewater Evaporation Ponds

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These work about as well as you might expect - from Caixin

At Factory Waste Ponds, Fumes Choke Fantasies
Northwest China factories with wastewater evaporation ponds pledged zero-emissions and then failed miserably


The "evaporation ponds" were designed to protect the desert's sensitive environment. By exposing wastewater to dry air and sunlight on the pond's surface, water was supposed to dissipate into the sky, leaving behind salt and toxins for further processing.


But the ponds never worked as planned. An oily film on each football field-sized surface inhibited evaporation. And daily for about 11 years these factories in the Tengger Industrial Park, a complex run by the city of Alashan, in the northern region of Inner Mongolia, and whose companies reported a combined 1.2 billion yuan in revenues in 2010, released more wastewater into the ponds.


Area residents and environmental groups complained about fumes, possible groundwater contamination and other problems. The complaints persisted for years until this fall, when the ponds were closed and filled following central government intervention.


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Some clean-ups are already underway, while others such as Tengger's have nearly been completed. Projects may include draining ponds and shutting down factories. Meanwhile, local officials who initially approved some of these projects could face disciplinary action from superiors in Beijing. Some have already been punished.



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