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China's Internet Czar

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In the New York Times,


In China, Internet Czar Is Taking a Blunt Tone

On Thursday, Mr. Lu was busy explaining the Chinese government’s position on Facebook.


‘‘China has always been hospitable, and we welcome anyone to come to China,’’ Mr. Lu said, according an official transcript of a news conference with foreign media, adding, ‘‘We cannot change others, but we have the right to choose our friends. I hope anyone who comes to China will be our real friends.’’


Just to be clear on what it means to be friends with China, Mr. Lu added: ‘‘I didn’t say Facebook could not enter China, but nor did I say that it could. Foreign Internet companies can come to China if they abide by the law. We could not allow any companies to enter China’s market and make money while hurting the country.’’


. . .


the Chinese government believes that each country has sovereignty over the operation of the Internet within its borders. That means countries have the right to censor content, block the sites of companies deemed ‘‘unfriendly’’ and force foreign companies to host data domestically.


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