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A Chinese Impression of World War

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a Global Times Op-Ed - seems a little bit hawkish, ya think?


As possibility of third world war exists, China needs to be prepared

By Han Xudong Source:Global Times Published: 2014-9-15 19:38:01


The author is a professor at the PLA National Defense University


In an era when a third world war may take place, an important topic for the Chinese military is how to develop its power to maintain its national interests.

This should become the basis for its development, because since the founding of the PRC, the development of its military forces has been centered around maintaining its rights on the land. As the rivalry on the sea grows intense, China's military development should shift from maintaining the country's rights on the land to maintaining its rights on the sea.

Meanwhile, China is standing at the focal point of rivalries. This requires China to develop its military power based on a global war. China is in the heartland of the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

The development of China's sea power touches the nerves of many countries. China needs to develop its military power to avoid being squeezed to a passive position.

. . .

Without large-scale military power, securing China's overseas interests seems like an empty slogan.

The long-range or overseas combat capabilities of China's sea and air forces are quite limited yet. If we don't view the development of sea and air forces with a farsighted view, we will face various restraints when building up the combat capabilities of sea and air forces or maintaining overseas interests. This will lead to the backwardness of China's sea and air forces.

China should not be pushed into a passive position where it is vulnerable to attacks. We must bear a third world war in mind when developing military forces, especially the sea and air forces.




Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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China has definitely been flexing their muscles the last few years. I fear they may push themselves into a position where they can't back down. Especially in the south China sea. An attack on the Philippines or Japan would force the US to enter the conflict. There could be no good result for either side if that were to happen.

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