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Here about the "Star Card" Yet???

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....Not your fault for not having been around longer, but if you had you'd know the crap I have been through with every agency I spoke about. I only talk about what I know about from real world experience with those agencies. I don't sit around in my computer chair making stuff up, nor do I sit in the safety of my computer chair calling folks I have no clue about "whiners". :whistling:


You whine a lot. You find a story on the Star ID and immediately determine it's a failure and you guarantee it's full of holes and it's worthy of kindergartner thinking. You're really sure of this? Maybe you should alert the DHS and explain how you've got this all figured out.


I know you had an extra long road to getting the visa/GC for your family - I have been here long enough to know that - because you mention it often. I can't blame you for starting the diatribe against people with college degrees but you went off on that one, too. So, DHS people can't do their job, and college degrees are way over-rated because you know some people who made a lot of money without one.


Do you really think your experience is the same for everybody? Do you think really think people who can't think beyond kindergarten level not only work at DHS but are running the show? Do you really think that? I doubt it. So why do you push that view into so many threads on this forum? I think people deserve the benefit of the doubt that they are professional and most of them are trying hard to do their job right. Because those people are you and me and are families and friends. Talk about hiding behind a keyboard.




really?? unbelievable!


I and many here wish we could walk in your silver shoes.

where everything is handed to you on a silver plate.


Life is not easy for most of us and we work VERY hard for what we have today.


Our government is so jacked up and beyond repair.

maybe in your world it is easy but the world of us that have dealt with the BS on a daily basis

with this ............................ shit!!! I'm so pissed what you said to my friend and how you said it

I'm lost for words.

Maybe if you had walked in our shoes and jumped through all the hoops we did MAYBE and just MAYBE you would understand.

But it seams as though everything is handed to you on a silver plate.


With that being said. I'm going to stop now before i get in trouble.


Greg, IMO. you should rethink your posts before you hit the reply button.

Edited by NUWORLD (see edit history)
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