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Chinese homebuyers in U.S. states

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More than half of the $22 billion Chinese buyers spent on U.S. homes during the 12 months ended in March was spent in California, Washington and New York.

According to NAR, nearly 40% of the Chinese buyers will live in their U.S. homes full-time. But nearly half the purchases made by Chinese nationals are strictly for investment with buyers not intending to live in them at all.



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The Chinese have propped up our darn near worthless "money" for years now....to the tune of 3 trillion or so, give or take a few hundred billion...not that anybody is apparently countin', and why should they, it's all monopoly money at this point, aye? Now they are pumpin' dollars into our played out sagging real estate market, especially in those played out California and NY markets....yet, we treat them like they are the enemy??? LOL When we should be welcoming any Chinese who want to come here with open arms instead of the crap we give them in Guangzhou. You want to visit or immigrate to Murica? PLOP (the sound of the stamp hitting the paperwork) here's your visa!!! Our immigration computers should be in fine working order for the Chinese, and no lost email stories from the IRS when dealing with the Chinese...at least...US citizens are another story. LOL


Why we don't make friends with the Chinese has been beyond me. Together we could rule the world. Heck, we could even import some of that oil they're gonna pump out of the water around those islands, backed up by the Chinese with the funds to buy it, too. For that matter, the CHinese need clean water, we can send them tankers filled with sweet water, they can refill them with sweet crude for us...$100 a barrel for water, $100 a barrel for crude..no problem.


Tear down that immigration wall, Unca Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tsap seui

I'm buyin' me a large tanker...and investing my portfolio in H2O futures. The smart money is in sweetwater, Imma tellin' ya rat cheer...for Chinartucky...and California

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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