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Typhoon Targets Southern China

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Typhoon Rammasun now has its sights set on southern China and northern Vietnam.





That may just affect our steak run to Nanning and Yang Mei this weekend.




With it still approaching Hainan, Jiaying still wants to try to make our trip tomorrow - I think she wants to take advantage of the cooler weather from the typhoon as long as we're not seeing the rain.


These things break up almost immediately from the mountains.


We did get a thunderstorm from it last night, though.



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The news reports that I have read about this Typhoon is it was a big one. One of the biggest Typhoons to hit China in 4 decades:




I wonder how Nanning made out. Also I wonder how that oil drilling rig came thru the storm. It is ready to go back out and do some drilling? Danb

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The news reports that I have read about this Typhoon is it was a big one. One of the biggest Typhoons to hit China in 4 decades:




I wonder how Nanning made out. Also I wonder how that oil drilling rig came thru the storm. It is ready to go back out and do some drilling? Danb



We just got back from there. There was no visible damage anywhere, except in nearby mountains. At Qingxiushan (a large mountain which overlooks Nanning), there were cleanup crews everywhere to pick up leaves and branches. A couple of the crews had chain saws, or were simply trying to prop up trees that had blown over. The news showed a tree that had blown over, and a banana plantation that had been flattened.


The mountains along the coast break up hurricanes pretty quickly, so you don't see much wind except in the coastal cities. Jesse said that even the folks in Guangzhou were unconcerned about the "Super"-Typhoon Usagi which hit last year - even though it was fairly close, Guangzhou hardly saw any effect from it because of shielding from the mountains.

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  • 1 month later...

Fasten you seatbelts, Randy! I went through a typhoon when I lived in Shantou, but it was not too bad. Blew down a lot of trees and broke a few windows in the building I lived in.



We're getting a little wind right now - I don't expect much effect from this one.



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