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Chinese Roller Coaster

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I'd rather commit adultery than ride a roller coaster.


I can't handle any amusement rides. Call me a wuss, call me a puss, I've already had all the excitement I can handle....LOL..."Mayday Mayday Mayday...Any aircraft in the area, please be advised, Tomahawk one two is going down in flames 15 klicks northeast of Bu Dop special forces camp please follow the smoke to the burning Huey on the ground. We will be waiting there for you, over."


tsap the chopper suei

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I absolutely hate roller coasters as well!


Actually, I hate flying too. The first time I came to China (in 2005 to study) was my first time on a plane. I was absolutely horrified, I didn't think I was going to survive the plane trip. Because this is what was occupying my mind, I really didn't even consider the culture shock, language barrier, etc. After I survived the flight and stepped out of the terminal in a strange land and not knowing a single soul, I realized that's when the adventure actually was about to officially begin......

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I absolutely hate roller coasters as well!


Actually, I hate flying too. The first time I came to China (in 2005 to study) was my first time on a plane. I was absolutely horrified, I didn't think I was going to survive the plane trip. Because this is what was occupying my mind, I really didn't even consider the culture shock, language barrier, etc. After I survived the flight and stepped out of the terminal in a strange land and not knowing a single soul, I realized that's when the adventure actually was about to officially begin......

Amen, Dan!!! And what an adventure Chinartucky is....every time.


For years I had been flying around the states and down under teaching classes for the company I worked for. As many as 30 take off and landings in any given month. The routine of civilian flying was old hat, but man, did I cherish the adventure of walking out into the crowd in Beijing airport, looking to see if any lil' Chinar girl had a paper with my name on it. It was a long walk down the fenced que from customs to the onlookers....lil' rabbit took her time and literally stood at the very end. I had no clue what she looked like, but she knew the very clothes I'd be wearin' and that I'd have my ol' Aussie hat on. We laugh now about her standing at the very end....yep, it gave her time to cut n' run if I didn't measure up,. I'd never have known she was there.


My last "roller coaster ride" was in the Fishhook area of SE Cambodia, back yonder in 19 and 71. A nice, and quaintly pleasant,successful ride from 500 feet up, down into 2 feet of water in a rice paddy. My door gunners complained that I didn't sit the burnin' hulk closer to the rice paddy dike. Man, those guys were tough...and down right picky too. :rotfl:


My last roller coaster ride in the states was maybe in 1962. The one at Coney Island. I swore I'd never get onto another roller coaster in my life.

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I absolutely hate roller coasters as well!


Actually, I hate flying too. The first time I came to China (in 2005 to study) was my first time on a plane. I was absolutely horrified, I didn't think I was going to survive the plane trip. Because this is what was occupying my mind, I really didn't even consider the culture shock, language barrier, etc. After I survived the flight and stepped out of the terminal in a strange land and not knowing a single soul, I realized that's when the adventure actually was about to officially begin......

Amen, Dan!!! And what an adventure Chinartucky is....every time.


For years I had been flying around the states and down under teaching classes for the company I worked for. As many as 30 take off and landings in any given month. The routine of civilian flying was old hat, but man, did I cherish the adventure of walking out into the crowd in Beijing airport, looking to see if any lil' Chinar girl had a paper with my name on it. It was a long walk down the fenced que from customs to the onlookers....lil' rabbit took her time and literally stood at the very end. I had no clue what she looked like, but she knew the very clothes I'd be wearin' and that I'd have my ol' Aussie hat on. We laugh now about her standing at the very end....yep, it gave her time to cut n' run if I didn't measure up,. I'd never have known she was there.


My last "roller coaster ride" was in the Fishhook area of SE Cambodia, back yonder in 19 and 71. A nice, and quaintly pleasant,successful ride from 500 feet up, down into 2 feet of water in a rice paddy. My door gunners complained that I didn't sit the burnin' hulk closer to the rice paddy dike. Man, those guys were tough...and down right picky too. :rotfl:


My last roller coaster ride in the states was maybe in 1962. The one at Coney Island. I swore I'd never get onto another roller coaster in my life.



Waiting for your book someday with all your adventures documented!! :plane: :cool2:

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