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Police Certificate

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Hi everyone.

I have been in the Us for 2 years, and at the time of the interview, will the Embassy ask for the Police certificate from the US? If they do, how can I obtain it because I can not come back to the US now.

And if I stay in Singapore for 11 months, will a police certificate be needed at the interview? I have read some document saying that you need police certificate from places in your home country that you have stayed for more than 6 months, and from places in foreign countries that you have stayed for more than 12 months. I just want to make sure that I understand what they said in the right way.

Thanks a lot!!!

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You could probably sign something requesting the police certificate and ask your boyfriend to try to get it for you. Or, perhaps your boyfriend could arrange a conference call between you and the police departments closest to previous residences and they might be able to mail the certificates to you.


Start early, but not before your application finishes at BCIS and gets shipped to NVC (which generally is 4-6 months before the interview).


I assume that the US records wouldn't be a big deal because the INS should do an inquiry about previous criminal records either while the application is at the BCIS office or NVC office.


----- Clifford -----

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