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Woman jump-kicks old man on bus

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I saw this one not long ago... :boxer:


Atrocious behavior, and NO respect for the elderly. Disgusting. :nonono:


Reluctant to give up seat, woman jump-kicks old man on bus in Xiamen




An elderly gentleman taking a bus in Xiamen, Fujian province sadly had his ass handed to him by a young woman who delivered a flying kick to his face after being criticized for her reluctance to offer him a seat.


According to local reports, passengers noticed a fight erupting between the woman and the old man during their otherwise routine Monday commute in the city's Tongnan district.
"The woman swore at the man after being ordered to offer her seat to him," said a passenger.


According to witness accounts, the "foul-mouthed" woman grew so angry that she grabbed on to two support rings dangling from the bus, pulled herself up and kicked vigorously at the old man's face.


Other passengers began criticizing the woman, who was described as using "gymnastic movements" to hurt the man. She then vented her anger on other commuters, yelling and swearing as they recorded the scene on their phones. The whole ordeal lasted around 15 minutes.


Eventually, passengers helped the old man change seats with another passenger. It's not clear what happened to the woman.





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So the old cuss oders her, and she gives the old fart her seat. Then proceeds to test the spring in his neck, hhahaha. JK


Probablysome other pasenger said something to her,and maybe the old man too. I ride city busses there a bit and people always iv the ldery their seat. Ner saw someone ask or say anything. Not enogh police around to arrest her for asault, I'm sure.

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