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The "nimby trend" in China

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I think that the catch to what they're saying is that China itself is one great big "back yard", but here it is from the Global Times


It's interesting to see the Communist Party speaking out against the "voices of the netizens"

Can Hangzhou reverse nimby trend?


China has been trapped by not-in-my-backyard - nimby - syndrome. The problem, if further winked at, will probably lead to complete social disorder. Those nimby activists, if they keep provoking trouble, must face stern legal punishments. The authorities also need to offer effective measures to ease growing irrational concerns about industrial projects.

In recent years, public opinion never ceases to criticize local governments for bad public relations and incompetent communication.

But public concerns are gaining momentum, and due to the lack of government credibility, the effect of communication is greatly reduced. As for these protesters, nimby is the easiest approach to take. The requirements for these industrial projects have failed to draw enough attention from public opinion.


. . .


But now communication and PR by local governments are unlikely to have an effect.

It demands authorities at a higher level vouch for the safety of these projects and improve concrete measures such as making sure relocated residents get proper compensation.

These actions require State governance as well as execution by local governments. The authorities need both prudence and boldness. We hope Hangzhou will be a turning point to stop the nimby trend.



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I can understand the push back on industrial projects with all the pollution that existing industry is causing they have every right to be concerned that industrial development will simply cause more of what they are dealing with in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other highly industrialized cities.

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