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Contrasting MH370 and Kunming Coverage

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from the L.A. Times


China silent on deadly knife attack in Kunming railway station


The incident was quickly dubbed "China's 9/11."


But by nightfall Monday, the state-run New China News Agency signaled that it was time to move on. "Kunming railway station serious violent terror case is successfully solved," its headline said.


The public was left with just basic details, and since, there has been a deafening silence that has frustrated families of the victims. Analysts say China's approach reflects a mix of embarrassment, self-interest and legitimate counter-terrorism strategy. At the same time, activist groups that normally would challenge authorities have their own reasons for not pushing for fuller disclosure.


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The government paid families of the dead $50,000 in "humanitarian assistance." But authorities in Kunming strategically kept families in separate hotels, then quickly sent them home. That has made it difficult for them to organize and discuss any class-action-type legal suit, said Yang, the attorney.


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