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China's Real Estate Sector

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from the Global Times


Slowdown seen in real estate sector




China's real estate sector is cooling and profit margins for developers will get thinner in the future, experts said Tuesday, after several major developers reported slower growth in 2013.


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Along with the slower profit growth, there has also been news that some companies in the real estate sector are lowering prices in order to boost sales.


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Experts said that the days when developers could reap massive profits are long gone, and margins in the sector are falling to a more reasonable level.


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As well as declining transactions and cooling growth, there have been suggestions that the sector may face a more severe downturn in the future, especially in some third- and fourth-tier cities where oversupply has become a serious problem.

But experts noted that a meltdown in the sector is unlikely and that it will remain relatively stable. First-tier ­ci­ties will see housing prices continue to increase this year, and the market will also gradually consume the supply in lower-tier cities, Hui said.



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