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KFC and the Bird Flu

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One of our two KFC's here in Yulin (they're only about a block apart) is closed for complete remodeling.


KFC tries to revive China sales with menu makeover


But in 2013 came the first wave of an avian flu outbreak, followed by another one this year that caused more than 20 deaths. The company also faced news reports that one of its suppliers was overusing antibiotics, revelations that caused an immediate consumer backlash.


As a result, the Chinese began cutting back on chicken, including KFC. Sales took a plunge, and KFC's attempts to reignite customer interest have faltered.

So now, KFC is pulling out all the stops with a total makeover, including new uniforms and packaging and a new look for stores. It's also taking the unusual step of introducing 15 new or relaunched products simultaneously, including two new chicken sandwiches, three rice dishes, four snacks and six drinks or desserts. The menu will eventually have 66 items.
. . .
One of Yum's chicken suppliers in China, Tyson Foods, said the demand for chicken in China is down as much as 30 percent in the country, Reuters reports, causing a large oversupply. Food-safety concerns, bird flu and a slowing economy likely all played a part in that slump.
And after people begin eating chicken again, Yum will have to get them into KFC stores -- a difficult proposition when consumers turned so forcefully against the chain. "Kick KFC out of China!" one person wrote on the Twitter-like microblogging service Weibo, according to The Wall Street Journal. "Otherwise their fast-grown chicken would continue to poison the Chinese people."


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Randy, this brings to mind a vivid memory from my early years in China. I was living in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province. I had already been in China for over a year when, in early May, NATO planes bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Three people were killed. Immediately, anti-American riots broke out across the country. At 2am bottles were hurled through my window and Li was calling me, frantic. My apartment was surrounded by angry Chinese, cursing me and throwing bricks, rocks, bottles, etc. The university kept me inside my apartment for a week, bringing me instant noodles to eat. Li, of course, was not allowed in the building.


Here is where KFC comes in. My apartment was on the third floor of a building and it afforded me a great view of the nearby streets. On the second day, a huge protest march took place with students from all the city's universities. I watched through my window as they marched past the KFC, stopped, and took down the statue of Col. Sanders and beheaded him. The carried the statue down the street, minus his head, screaming anti-American protests. It was actually quite humorous when you think about it. That was a rough week for me and for Li. It all blew over in about five days or so and things were back to normal. A couple of weeks later there was a new statue in place at the KFC.

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