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Malaysia to China plane missing (MH-370)

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I have had concern over this thing from the beginning, but nothing to do. 777 is a good plane. I feel for the families. But on the lighter side of this...


Well I can't quote or copy and paste a dang thing, but that cowbell idea has merit.


The past 3-4 months my cousin and his son have been living with me. Seems he could not take his wife's bitching anymore and soon the divorce will be final, and he filed. Anyway, after a couple of months of talking with him, and listening, haha, I had this idea of ringing a cowbell by means of a high-standing toilet. (You knew it had to go that direction right?) Well, he is a good carpenter & etc, and I asked him to build me an outhouse. A tall one. What I wanted was enough height to install a stick lever see-saw device with a rope on the other end tied to a cowbell hangin outside. The idea being that when the log drops it will hit the stick, ringing the cowbell, on it's way down to the water. That way everyone in the yard would know the VERY moment relief was found, and ALL will relax. :)


My cousin didn't like my suggestion at all, with a :oneeye: look on his face, but I kept going ding-a-ling every time he started his bitchin until he took some action.


It's a wonder he didn't beat hell out of me. But he knows my sick sense of humor.


Besides he didn't graduate in toilet studies like me, with afterburner attacks.

Edited by Doug (see edit history)
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What a novel idea, Douggie!! I can just hear your morning constitutional sounding like the start of Mississippi Queen......as the shit hits the stick, literally. No more of that boring plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is. No suh, not for Douggie. I can hear ya now, well, lets let Leslie West and the boys, especially the cowbell player give an example of the sounds from yore outhouse cowbell tower each morning......




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I have had concern over this thing from the beginning, but nothing to do. 777 is a good plane. I feel for the families. But on the lighter side of this...


Well I can't quote or copy and paste a dang thing, but that cowbell idea has merit.


The past 3-4 months my cousin and his son have been living with me. Seems he could not take his wife's bitching anymore and soon the divorce will be final, and he filed. Anyway, after a couple of months of talking with him, and listening, haha, I had this idea of ringing a cowbell by means of a high-standing toilet. (You knew it had to go that direction right?) Well, he is a good carpenter & etc, and I asked him to build me an outhouse. A tall one. What I wanted was enough height to install a stick lever see-saw device with a rope on the other end tied to a cowbell hangin outside. The idea being that when the log drops it will hit the stick, ringing the cowbell, on it's way down to the water. That way everyone in the yard would know the VERY moment relief was found, and ALL will relax. :)


My cousin didn't like my suggestion at all, with a :oneeye: look on his face, but I kept going ding-a-ling every time he started his bitchin until he took some action.


It's a wonder he didn't beat hell out of me. But he knows my sick sense of humor.


Besides he didn't graduate in toilet studies like me, with afterburner attacks.



You keep mentioning the copy and paste thing, so it must be something fairly irritating. I can't imagine what the problem is - can you describe it in better detail? Maybe we can figure out what is up there.

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Randy, I just hit the Quote button at the bottom of your post, and as you see, nothing.

I cannot change the size of text, nor can I click on a smiley face and it appears. I must type it in like the toot :toot: which I know by heart.

I cannot copy anything from anywhere and paste it here.

It is a pain when you get the link from youtube or tinypic.com and you can't tell an capitol I from a lower case l. So I have to paste it in WORD, change the font, then peck it out on here to post a youtube vid, for instance.

All I can do is type words, and my English is as bad as my pance. :D


Other than, Tsapper, yep ding-a-ling... :) but that aint nothing compared to your twirl girl in the sky contraption.

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Randy, I just hit the Quote button at the bottom of your post, and as you see, nothing.

I cannot change the size of text, nor can I click on a smiley face and it appears. I must type it in like the toot :toot: which I know by heart.

I cannot copy anything from anywhere and paste it here.

It is a pain when you get the link from youtube or tinypic.com and you can't tell an capitol I from a lower case l. So I have to paste it in WORD, change the font, then peck it out on here to post a youtube vid, for instance.

All I can do is type words, and my English is as bad as my pance. :D


Other than, Tsapper, yep ding-a-ling... :) but that aint nothing compared to your twirl girl in the sky contraption.



Not sure what to tell you, except that that functionality apparently downloads from the cloud, and doesn't always make it in time to be usable. For myself, I haven't had a problem at all since i upgraded my computer.


But for the cut and paste thing - try 'CTRL-V' to paste. No need to wait for any functionality there. Then, to quote a post, you should be able to highlight it (with the mouse), hit 'ctrl-C' to copy, and then paste to your post with a 'ctrl-V' inside of quote tags:

[quote] . . . [/quote]

That's just what I'm doing here (below) - if you can type, this should work exactly the same.




Randy, I just hit the Quote button at the bottom of your post, and as you see, nothing.

I cannot change the size of text, nor can I click on a smiley face and it appears. I must type it in like the toot :toot: which I know by heart.

I cannot copy anything from anywhere and paste it here.

It is a pain when you get the link from youtube or tinypic.com and you can't tell an capitol I from a lower case l. So I have to paste it in WORD, change the font, then peck it out on here to post a youtube vid, for instance.

All I can do is type words, and my English is as bad as my pance. :D


Other than, Tsapper, yep ding-a-ling... :) but that aint nothing compared to your twirl girl in the sky contraption.


Beyond that, I think I'd just need to look over your shoulder to see what's going on. I have no idea why the board software would give you such a hard time.

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The missing Malaysian Airlines ‘Flight 370′ has been found by police in Saudi Arabia, bringing to an end a 12-day search for the Boeing 777.


Prince Sahram Al-Sandshoo of Jeddah was arrested by local law enforcement agencies when the missing plane was discovered in his garden. Suspicions were heightened when Al-Sandshoo placed an advert on eBay offering a ‘Used Boeing 777 Black Box Recorder’ for sale. The Saudi authorities immediately requested a search warrant to enter his 40-acre property on the outskirts of Jeddah, the city he has princed for the past 43 years. Al-Sandshoo is a world-renowned collector of aero-memorabilia, most famous for his acquisition of ‘Wright Flyer’, one of the earliest examples of an aircraft by the Wright brothers.


MORE... http://urdujamaria.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/malaysian-airline-found-hijacked-by-prince/

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Here is the latest...




122 sighted objects ‘most credible lead’ in missing jet search



A satellite scanning the Indian Ocean for remnants of the missing jetliner found a debris field littered with 122 objects, a top Malaysian official said Wednesday, calling it “the most credible lead that we have.”

Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the objects were more than 1,550 miles southwest of Australia, near where other satellites had previously spotted debris. The objects ranged in length from a yard to about 25 yards.

Hishammuddin said the latest images were taken Sunday and relayed by French-based Airbus Defense and Space, a division of Europe’s Airbus Group, which operates and monitors satellite communications.

More: http://nypost.com/2014/03/26/flight-mh370-search-resumes-in-indian-ocean/



Getting closer, I hope they find it soon, and then find the data recorders so we can know exactly what happened.

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Heard on the news a few minutes ago that USA Today had an article quoting a "high ranking" official in the Malay police bureau as saying their primary focus is back on the pilot. They are of the belief that he turned the plane around and flew it until it ran out of gas. If that is the case, the only motive would be suicide, but why take all those innocent souls with you? The FBI, according to CNN, says they have no evidence the pilot did anything nefarious. Is it possible the Malays know something they have not revealed?

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Heard on the news a few minutes ago that USA Today had an article quoting a "high ranking" official in the Malay police bureau as saying their primary focus is back on the pilot. They are of the belief that he turned the plane around and flew it until it ran out of gas. If that is the case, the only motive would be suicide, but why take all those innocent souls with you? The FBI, according to CNN, says they have no evidence the pilot did anything nefarious. Is it possible the Malays know something they have not revealed?


Ya think??


The wife has been saying this from the get go.

They know more than they are telling us.

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More objects found in the southern Indian Ocean.




MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2590532/Now-Thailand-says-satellites-spotted-300-floating-objects-South-Indian-Ocean-hunt-wreckage-flight-MH370.html

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Dan, are they finding anything that has to do with this plane? I heard one pilot say that they were finding LOTS of stuff in the open ocean, but as yesterday ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they actually looked at had anything to do with an airliner.


The way this plane appears to have gone it looks like next stop was Antarctica...if they would have had the fuel.


tsap seui

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Dan, are they finding anything that has to do with this plane? I heard one pilot say that they were finding LOTS of stuff in the open ocean, but as yesterday ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they actually looked at had anything to do with an airliner.


The way this plane appears to have gone it looks like next stop was Antarctica...if they would have had the fuel.


tsap seui



The stuff they're "finding" is by satellite picture - not enough resolution to tell. The planes flying out there to check on it have a 4 or 5 hour flight each way, with only 2 or 3 hours to look around if the weather is good. They haven't found the objects that the satellites located yet.


Of course, there may be higher resolution pictures that we're not hearing about.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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