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Malaysia to China plane missing (MH-370)

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Not it's not, it's Captain Kirk the Negotiator!!!



from 1963 - Twilight Zone · Nightmare at 20,000 Feet as Bob Wilson



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William Shatner starred in another Twilight Zone episode that I often see whenever some channel runs a marathon. In this episode, Shatner and his newly-wed wife stop to eat at a diner. There is a fortune telling machine on the table and Shatner drops a coin in it. It gives him a somewhat cryptic answer, but it fits the question her asked. This keeps up throughout the espisode, pretty much driving Shatner crazy and his wife up the wall.

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If any one is in a twilight zone state of mind, you can watch on Netflix, the whole series is available.


That episode is so memorable it got remade in the Twilight Zone movie, staring John Lithgow, then years later when Lithgow was doing Third Rock, there is a scene where Shatner, gets off a plane and is met by Lithgow, Shatner claims he saw something on the wing, and Lithgow also claims he saw something the wing on a different flight, a classic reference to sharing that role.

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Here is a shocking incident, sounds like the pilot or pilots had a habit of inviting passengers to fly in cockpit, a crazy lack of security and protocol, the cockpit should be locked during flight to prevent hijackings.



San, that was the very incident I was sarcastically referring to when I made this comment up in post #58.


Good luck to the passengers and their families from that missing plane. Lord knows what the hell happened on that flight. Maybe one of the first pilots girlfriends knocked off the transponder and pushed the yolk to it's most forward position while she was lap dancing the pilot. Cowboys belong on horses or in gunships, not flying commercial airliners.

If that pilot and his buddy had a coupla Aussie Sheilas up in the cockpit on that flight to Australia, how many other breaches do ya reckon he/they have made?

Man, this Twilight Zone flight has sure brought to light many odd twists and turns of an apparently broken system those folks are running in Kuala Lumpur. Stolen passport jackals easily getting on the flight, first officer with Sheilas in his cockpit on another flight, a plane that mysteriously loses it's transponder, a plane that possibly turned around and never contacted anyone, passenger's cell phones that ring on, etc....One ton of very strange coincidences for a single flight. I hope they find the passengers on some remote island off of India.

tsap seui


Diego Garcia comes to mind. Plenty of jet fuel there.

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It has been found on eBay...



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Now this is interesting, although it's unclear what the chances are that it WOULD have been detected had the plane crashed


UN-backed nuke watchdog says no explosion detected for missing Malaysian plane: spokesman


Therefore, airplane accidents, if there is any, may be detected by the CTBTO's International Monitoring System, said Dujarric. " This verification system has been put in place to detect nuclear explosions but is also able to detect the explosion of a larger aircraft, as well as its impact on the ground or on water."

. . .

In the past, CTBTO stations have detected some plane accidents, including the crash of a plane at Narita airport in Japan in March 2009.


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Guest ExChinaExpat



Thai Air Force Detected Blips From Unidentified Aircraft on March 8
BANGKOK – The Royal Thai Air Force said Tuesday it detected blips from an unidentified aircraft that correspond with information that the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 turned away from its planned flight path before it disappeared.
Air Chief Marshal Prajin Jantong, chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, told reporters that the air force radar station in southern Surat Thani province picked up blips from an unidentified aircraft that could have been the Malaysian jet.
The blips were detected under the “Skin Paint” mode–which shows bright or colored blips caused by the reflected radar signal from an object’s surface—after the radar data from flight MH370 disappeared, Mr. Prajin said.
“We found that the plane made a U-turn to follow the path it just took, passing the tip of Kuala Lumpur. Then it flew to the direction of Butterworth [Air Force station in Malaysia’s state of Penang] before the skin paint radar disappeared,” Mr. Prajin said.
Mr. Prajin said he couldn’t confirm if the data came from the missing aircraft. The Air Force planned to verify the radar data with Aeronautical Radio of Thailand, a state enterprise air-traffic controller, and Malaysian authorities, he said.
Earlier, the Thai Air Force said its radar only detected brief data from MH370 as the flight didn’t fly over Thailand. However, officers were instructed on Monday to recheck historical radar records upon Malaysia’s request, an air force spokesman said.
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from a Marine pilot friend


You don't need to fly to 45,000 feet to induce hypoxia. You just decrease the cabin pressure to 20,000 feet and everyone will pass out. So if the pilot was trying to save gas, he didn't need to climb to 45,000 ft. Secondly, suffice it to say that I have been on military missions really close to places I wasn't supposed to be and if you get close to radar and your transponder is off or not squawking something "official".....somebody knows it really quickly. I don't think that plane landed anywhere. I think it was a suicide and the pilot turned away from the land mass and out toward the middle of the ocean. The pilot may have ascended to quickly kill everyone including himself and pointed it southwest before the climb after which time it ran out of gas and crashed. (Similar to the golfer Payne Stewart). Like I said, that is my theory and mine alone. I haven't read this exact theory from any of the reports. Just hearing snippets.


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