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Chinese Outlook on the War on Terror

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an op-ed piece in the Global Times from Zhao Minghao

The author is a research fellow with the Charhar Institute and an adjunct fellow with the Center for International and Strategic Studies, Peking University. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn



US should back China’s anti-terror efforts


Washington adopts a double standard in this connection and rejects committed cooperation with Beijing and Moscow, triggering discontent even in New Delhi.

Safeguarding the stability in Afghanistan and improving anti-terrorism capacity could have become an important area of Sino-US cooperation. Plus, the US could have worked with China, Russia and India to forge a coalition against Islamic extremism. But it is perhaps losing these opportunities.

The Kunming attack has touched the nerves of not only China but also the US that should remain alert to the relevant warning signs. Supporting China in the anti-terror war is in the long-term interest of the US.



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The responses that were posted with that article were interesting to read. I have to believe that in general the feelings by Americans about the attack in Kumming are sympathetic towards the Chinese victims. That attack was deadly but rather unsophisticated, Knives wielding attackers instead of suicide bomber wearing vested bombs or killers piloting planes into building. Terrorists too often target civilians target. Seems to be a very cowardly course of action. It seems like anyone in their right mind would never condone those types of attacks. Neither would anyone condone invasion of foreign troops into say a country like say the Ukraine/ Crimea or say the firing of missiles over other countries' territory. And yet the reactions to such acts of terrorism are too often guiding by other countries' own agendas. These agendas only aids the terrorists. It is kinda sad. Danb

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