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China issues US human rights report

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from the Global Times


China issues US human rights report


The Human Rights Record of the US in 2013 was released by the Information Office of China's State Council, the country's Cabinet, in response to The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 issued by the US State Department on Thursday.

China said in the report that there were still serious human rights problems in the US in 2013, with the situation in many fields even deteriorating.

Posing as "the world judge of human rights," the US government "made arbitrary attacks and irresponsible remarks" on the human rights situation in almost 200 countries and regions again in its just-released reports, the report says.

"However, the US carefully concealed and avoided mentioning its own human rights problems," it adds.



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I am not sure if these reports are comparing apples to apples or if they are often mixing the "fruit" up. In general when we talk about human rights they pertains to the humans rights of a particular country's own citizens. Much of the criticism about the US in these articles are about non domestic human rights. Much of it seems to be about spying, drone attacks and also gun violence, and unemployment.


They mentioned Guantanamo Bay. I wonder what kind of human rights are over looked in their own country when foreign/ and or domestic terrorists are involved.


Most of those countries don't have a clean records as far as their own domestic human rights. I must agree that at times we do take a holy than thou position and that perhaps we should make some effort to stay out of judging of other countries' internal affairs. But on the other hand I don't think we should turn a blind eye to some serious issues such as genocide and servere class, gender or ethnic discrimination, etc. I might be missing some other serious issues. Danb

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