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evidence of relationship

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I think i am finished assembling a folder to send to Bing. In a clear plastic file folder with seperate clear tinted folders with tabs I have put the following


Notarial birth certificate Bing


Notarial divorce decree Bing


Birth certificate Carl


Divorce decree Carl


I -134 and supporting documents


Tax returns 2000 through 2003


Evidence of relationship photos (about 75 wallet sized photos printed out on paper with dates)


Evidence of relationship pledges to marry. ( hand written on hotel stationary while in China.)


Evidence of relationship phone logs


Evidence of relationship emails. ( a selection of 2 emails per month over the course of 2 years.)


Evidence of relationship Yahoo chat. (Print outs of Yahoo messenger archives about 2 per month over the last 8 months . I am hoping this shows we comunicate. Since Bing reads english better than she understands it spoken I usually type while I speak when we chat on line so she can understand me better.)


Evidence of relationship western union ( copies of receipts from sending money over the last 10 months. )

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You never know what a VO will ask for...a few suggestions, if I may,


-the I-134 never seems to be a problem as long as the petitioner has a steady income and/or assets. It is their action towards this form that presents the strongest evidence that the apps are pre-screened. For petitioners with adequate income, they never look at them and it is the least of problems for the petitioner and the beneficiary. the latest tax return is sufficient but more doesn't hurt.


-on divorce: it might be a good idea to send both, a divorce certificate from your states vital records department and the divorce decree from the courthouse.


-the photos on printed paper is cool but sounds a little too pre-planned. Throw in some of your best snapshots of you two in there along with it.



-a letter from her parents giving you two their blessing, if possoble: That is always a good thing to have because I have heard of some cases where the VO has asked the beneficiary if her/his fiance'(e) has meet the parents and what did they think of him/her.


just some of my thoughts. Always expect the unexpected.

Anyways, it looks good, Carl. Best of all good things on that faithful day.

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I agree with donahso, notes of wire transfers may be misconstrued. Leave them out, I don't know of anyone else who has brought information on wite transfers to their GZ interview.


Unles you have joint accounts I would just leave them out of the package of information you are sending to your fiancee, for her interview.

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Thanks guys. Snap shots in, wire transfers out. It just doesnt seem like enough. Its only about 1.5 inches thick and 3 lbs. Of course Bing has more to add to it on her end. Greeting cards, letters, etc. Of course I could always throw in some more emails to thicken it up some.

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Carl, it sounds like you have done an excellent job but if you want to thicken up the file then do go ahead and send back to her some of the cards and letter she has sent to you. Our VO did glance at some of these. I believe this kind of snail mail shows good effort and thoughtfulness.

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I think i am finished assembling a folder to send to Bing.  In a clear plastic file folder with seperate clear tinted folders with tabs  I have put the following



Evidence of relationship photos (about 75 wallet sized photos printed out on paper with dates)




Evidence of relationship Yahoo chat.  (Print outs of Yahoo messenger archives about 2 per month over the last 8 months .  I am hoping this shows we comunicate.  Since Bing reads english better than she understands it spoken I usually type while I speak when we chat on line so she can understand me better.)


I did the same thing. I had about +100 photos that I printed out from a CD and took the CD as well. The VO didn't look at these but looked at a few of the pictures that Jingwen had brought.


I thought the Yahoo chat archives would be good evidence of our ability to communicate. I ran out of time and strength and printed out only five months - filled about two large spiral binders and weighed about 10 pounds. What a waste of a good tree. Again, the VO didn't even bother to look, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the volume of information that Jingwen carried with her was, itself, convincing.


I know each VO is different. Jingwen's VO was a very nice African American lady who seemed more interested in sizing up the person rather than the material.

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Sounds like you have the bases pretty well covered Carl. I agree with twyw 99 in that I am certain the packets at the consulate are pre-screened. The VO we had only asked a few questions but those questions were directly related to what was in our P3-P4. Never even looked at financial documents or other materials we had brought along.

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