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In Today's Global Times

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Nazi space aliens rule US: report


After previously reporting the British royal family as Jewish and Israel's plans to annex Iraq, Fars News broke the news that the US government has been run by a "shadow government" of Nazi space aliens since 1945.

According to the paper, the information about the secret government of Nazi aliens was provided by NSA leaker Snowden. After losing WWII, the aliens opted to become the secret force behind the US government and made President Obama their tool.

Aliens have been visiting for "thousands of years," many working with the US air force in Nevada, the agency said.





The article from FARS News Agency


Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stun Russia


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I have suspected the Nazi aliens were running things ever since a spiritual exprience I had watching a Star Trek episode where the planet the Enterprise was orbiting was run by Nazis. It was like one of those "Aha" experiences the Gestalt therapists used to talk about. And when you think about it, the word "Gestalt" even sounds kind of Nazi like. . . .

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Well thank you Snowden and the Global Times.....gosh, I'd hate to think American leaders were responsible for such stupidity. The blame is on the Nazis, how well I will sleep tonight!!

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