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What Hong Kong Looked Like 150 Years Ago

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Some excellent pictures - "22 photos of Hong Kong taken between 1868 and 1872, less than three decades after the island was colonized by the British."


The double side-by-side pictures are 3D stereopticon shots, which you can see if you cross your eyes just enough to get the two images to overlap


What Hong Kong Looked Like 150 Years Ago





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Interesting photo's. Many of the photo's are so sharp. I wonder if the photos are original or are one's that were recently reprinted. I wonder if the lady in the 7 th photo. The lady who is standing under the arc way. Does it seem as if she is not standing naturally? By any chance I wonder if her feet were bound. I did notice the men in the 4 th photo had que's. My understanding was that required of most Chinese by the ruling Manchu government.



Some excellent pictures - "22 photos of Hong Kong taken between 1868 and 1872, less than three decades after the island was colonized by the British."


The double side-by-side pictures are 3D stereopticon shots, which you can see if you cross your eyes just enough to get the two images to overlap







The photo's are an interesting glimpse into China' history. Wish I was in Hong Kong. i would be interested in visiting the show. DanB


PS: On a side note. Yesterday, I was talking to some students in an optics class. They were talking about making some special photographic holographic glass plates. In class they took two images and superposed them onto one glass plate. An image was formed. They told me that it was holographic image of a grating. I wonder if the process is any ways similar to the process that John Thomson used to make the photographs 150 years ago. Again an interesting glimpse into history. I wonder if those students even know anything about 35 mm cameras. Anyone remember Polaroid's swinger camera?

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Opposition to the footbinding BEGAN with the British colonization of Hong kong (30 years prior to the picture) and didn't gather any momentum until the late 1800's, so she may very well be a victim of that practice. But the feet seem larger than I would have thought (bound feet were as little as 3 inches)



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