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New Game ¡°Knock-out¡±

Thomas Promise

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Tom, I saw this thing over on Facebook and put it on my wall this morning. It is just disgusting what those kids are doing and it is indicative of the degeneration of morals and civility in our culture. If we don't stand up to it, the future is grim indeed. Anyone caught doing this needs serious jail time, whether or not they are a minor. I'll stop here because I don't want to go on a rant....

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I saw the video yesterday and now I read the article at the link Randy posted above. This is a shameful and disturbing trend, which graphically illustrates the loss of civility, empathy, compassion, and common human decency that has permeated our society. And it is going to get worse, much worse. I openly fear for the world my daughter is going to have to live in unless major changes take place. I am not talking about anything political here. But something has to be done to send a message that this sort of random, senseless violence will not be tolerated. What is sitting sideways in my mouth after reading the article is discovering that a 13-year-old and sixteen-year-old plead guilty to killing a man playing "knockout" and RECEIVED SENTENCES OF 18 MONTHS CONFINEMENT. Ya think that is gonna deter these hoodlums from future mayhem? :nonono:

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I hold a CCW permit in NY State, so this one rings for me:


Point 'em out, knock 'em out': Brutal game ends when assault victim fires his concealed handgun


The object: Target an innocent victim for no other reason than they are there, then sucker punch him or her.

But on this day in Lansing, there would be no punch. The teen-age attacker had a stun gun. He did not know his would-be victim was carrying a legally concealed pistol.


The teen lost the game.


Last month, more than 400,000 adults could lawfully carry hidden handguns in Michigan. That’s one in 17 men and women 21 or older, more than since records have been kept.


An MLive Media Group investigation found that crime numbers continue to drop across Michigan, even as police ranks decline. Some see the seemingly contradictory trends as proof the proliferation of concealed weapons is deterring lawbreakers.



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It is a sad state of affairs when you can no longer safely wait at your daughter's bus stop. And in far too many cases, the system seems more concerned with the rights of the criminal than with those of the victim. What makes these attacks all the more sinister is the fact that they are so senseless. These punks are just doing this for "fun." I know we have had a rash of this sort of thing in Nashville, Birmingham, and Memphis. In a place just outside Nashville about a year ago, two kids killed a homeless man over a piece of pizza. The old guy, in his 70s, spent all the change he had on two slices of pizza and went to his "box" under the overpass to eat. These two kids drove up on a crotch rocket, jumped off and told him to give them a piece of pizza. He refused and they shot him twice in the head, then stabbed him over 20 times. Another homeless guy happened to be taking a leak in the bushes when this all went down and got the license number of the crotch rocket. The two killers, both minors, disappeared into the juvenile justice system as a judge ruled they could not be tried as adults, even though they were both sixteen.


I don't know if it is violent video games, movies and TV, lack of parental supervision, or a combination of factors that have conspired to create this monster, but it is getting way out of hand. Heck, I lived in Miami for 15 years and saw plenty of violence, but the random and senseless violence that is commonplace nowadays is beyond the scope of anything I saw in Dade County.


And for those on this board who are bringing your loved one to this country soon, or for those who already have, I suggest you educate yourself about what is going on with this sort of thing, because your wife, fiance, husband, or whatever has not likely seen anything like this in China. To be sure, they have their share of violent crime, but not to the extent it goes on here and certainly not to the extent it is shown in the press. You need to keep them safe and the best way to do that is arm yourself with knowledge about what is going on. My genuine fear is that this is going to get worse before it gets better. I apologize for getting on a soap box here, but this sort of random, senseless violence, stemming from a total lack of respect, empathy, or human decency, is a hot button issue with me.

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It is a sad state of affairs when you can no longer safely wait at your daughter's bus stop. And in far too many cases, the system seems more concerned with the rights of the criminal than with those of the victim. What makes these attacks all the more sinister is the fact that they are so senseless. These punks are just doing this for "fun." I know we have had a rash of this sort of thing in Nashville, Birmingham, and Memphis. In a place just outside Nashville about a year ago, two kids killed a homeless man over a piece of pizza. The old guy, in his 70s, spent all the change he had on two slices of pizza and went to his "box" under the overpass to eat. These two kids drove up on a crotch rocket, jumped off and told him to give them a piece of pizza. He refused and they shot him twice in the head, then stabbed him over 20 times. Another homeless guy happened to be taking a leak in the bushes when this all went down and got the license number of the crotch rocket. The two killers, both minors, disappeared into the juvenile justice system as a judge ruled they could not be tried as adults, even though they were both sixteen.


I don't know if it is violent video games, movies and TV, lack of parental supervision, or a combination of factors that have conspired to create this monster, but it is getting way out of hand. Heck, I lived in Miami for 15 years and saw plenty of violence, but the random and senseless violence that is commonplace nowadays is beyond the scope of anything I saw in Dade County.


And for those on this board who are bringing your loved one to this country soon, or for those who already have, I suggest you educate yourself about what is going on with this sort of thing, because your wife, fiance, husband, or whatever has not likely seen anything like this in China. To be sure, they have their share of violent crime, but not to the extent it goes on here and certainly not to the extent it is shown in the press. You need to keep them safe and the best way to do that is arm yourself with knowledge about what is going on. My genuine fear is that this is going to get worse before it gets better. I apologize for getting on a soap box here, but this sort of random, senseless violence, stemming from a total lack of respect, empathy, or human decency, is a hot button issue with me.



Very well said Mick and to the point!

Indeed it is sad that we have come to this in our world.


This younger generation has become twisted and with no fear of repercussion of there actions.

The only thing have to our advantage is our age.

That being said is because by the time the shit hits the fan were dead

and with that we leave behind out love ones.


The ones we fought the system for, the ones we jumped though many hoops for, The ones we love.........

The ones we traveled thousands of mile for and brought to this country of crime and shame.


WHAT?? only to arm our selfs on a daily bases?


WTF has this country come to? REALLY!!


As Dan stated and i myself also have CCW here in Ohio.

I would have no problem popping one of these punks even if they tried this crap on myself or my wife.

I would be on the 10 O'clock news in a minute.


As for your quote as for arm your self with knowledge about whats going on.

YES i agree fully and we should teach our loved ones to protect them self at all cost.


My wife (Zhenghong) has been learning and has gotten fairly good.










Nothing worst that a Chinese women with a 9MM and a AR15

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